Course curriculum

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    Deep Dive: Addiction

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Course Description

Addiction is a supplement for unresolved trauma. Help patients overcome addiction through Taruno Steffensen’s unique techniques. In this lecture, Taruno reveals how his personal addictions led to his interest in the field and provides insightful recollections on trauma coping mechanisms. Understand helplessness and how to allow the body to cope through TRE exercises to lead patients through organic intelligence balancing. Acquire the skills to guide patients through the process of activation and deactivation to teach the condition of orientation. Discover how orientation is the key to being present and therefore crucial to the overcoming of trauma. This recorded session provides valuable insight into treating patients with addiction through the eyes of a former addict and current professional. 


  • Identify cause of addiction

  • Understand how addicts mask trauma

  • Learn how to work through activating and deactivating patients

  • Discuss the condition of orientation

Target Audience

Addiction Counselors, Addicts, Addiction Specialists, TRE Certified Professionals, Addiction therapists, those with interest in TRE, Psychologists, Crisis Counselors, Vocational Counselors, Occupational Therapists, Trauma Therapists, Psychotherapists, Educators, Anyone with an interest in the subject.