Course curriculum

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    Breathing-Based Practices and Strategies for Mask Wearing with Linda Thai

    • The Five Cs of Face Mask Wearing: Choice, Comfort, Calm, Connection, and Communication

    • The Five Cs of Fask Mask Wearing SLIDES (part 1)

    • Hacking the Stress Response: Your Eyes are the Window to Your Anxiety

    • Hacking the Stress Response: Your Eyes are the Windows to your Anxiety SLIDES

    • How to Breathe When Wearing a Face Mask

    • Breathing & Face Mask Wearing SLIDES

    • Yoga to Free up the Breath

    • The Five Cs of Face Mask Wearing SLIDES (part 2)

Breathing-Based Practices and Strategies for Mask Wearing with Linda Thai

Designed for School Teachers, Health Care Providers, Mental Health Providers and Personal Growth

The pandemic has changed our lives in many ways. One of the hardest things to get used to is wearing a mask. As we attempt to return to normalcy, wearing a mask has become a regular part of our lives. Unfortunately, for many of us, wearing a face mask can lead to increased anxiety or distress. In this 4-part course, Linda Thai discusses how to choose the best mask for you and offers insightful guidance to make mask-wearing more tolerable. She provides strategies that help us focus on our breathing so that we can engage in positive interactions and enjoy activities of daily life outside the home, even while wearing a mask.

This class series is full of tips and advice to make face mask wearing more pleasant

4 Recordings | 20 Minutes Each | Price: $20 Available Oct. 8